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Shungite Application:


Rinse thoroughly shungite stones, but without soap, under running water. Put the shungite stones in a glass or enamel container and pour cold water in the following proportions: 100 g of shungite per 1 liter of water.


As scientists have identified, in 30 minutes the water will be cleared and acqures and expressed antibacterial activity, but the best results the water has after standing with shungite 2 - 3 hours. The water will finally acquire all the medicinal properties in 8 - 10 hours.

Within 2 days it becomes live cells.


Pour the ready water into another container and add new portion of water to a container with shungite. If you see sediment in the water, do not worry, this is harmless and a few minutes the sediment will settle down.

For the therapeutic and preventive purposes it is recommended to drink no more than 250 ml of shungite water per day.


There are no contradictions. It is recommened to rinse shungite stones once a month under running water and put it out in the sun to recharge for healing the properties.

You should put shungite stones on sun light every month.



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